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Selasa, 19 April 2011

Spring In JAPAN!

It's been a long time since my last entries! this time, I want to tell about season in Japan (my fav country) *blush*, the present year (2011), Japan is now experiencing the spring, where cherry blossoms bloom, i must say "It's soooo BEAUTIFUL!", no words that can express in addition to that, so let me show u the picture!
Cherry Blossom or the japanese name is Sakura
there's a man standing, reading a book, i have a lot of Nihon (Japanese) picture, sometime, I felt like to imagining that i were live in Japan *gig*, u wanna know why?, 'cauze I LOVE JAPAN! every season always looks beautiful!  but a poor thing happen, on march 11, 13 days before my birthday, an M8.9 earthquake occurred and caused the tsunami, more than 10,000 people dead and more than 15,000 missing, the tsunami hits 3 region, which is Fukushhima, Minamisanriku and....... uhhh sorry i forgot, Gomenasai... -_-" This is the picture

so horrible!!  I almost cried when I saw the news on NHK World, NHK World is a Japanese international tv channels that collect news from around the world, u can acces its website at, a month has been pass since the disaster in Nihon, reconstruction has started, Japan gradually began to improve and build temporary housing for disaster victims, Reader please pray 4 Japan,,, maybe i'm kinda off the subject hahahha sorry!, wellllll back to spring in japan!

let me show u another cherry blossom, this is Kanonji river in Fukushima Pref.
Kirei (Beautiful) isn't it? u may not understand what is beautiful about this picture but I'm sure you can distinguish which is beautiful and what is not, Someday i'm gonna go to my lovely country JAAAPPPAAAANNN! i'm sure u want to go to japan too! Japan, the country with several volcanoes, is also well known for its numerous hot springs (onsen). Most of the hot springs in Japan are situated in remote places like Hokkaido. But if you are looking for a relaxing bath in a hot spring somewhere close to Kyoto, then Kurama Onsen can be your best choice. 
If water contains certain minerals like hydrogen carbonate, sodium chloride, sulphur, iron, etc. then that flow of water is certified as a hot spring. A common belief among Japanese people is that a good soak in an onsen heals aches and pains.  ^_^, o yea, u wanna know how to reach Kurama Onsen? weeelll You can avail the Eiden Eizan line from Kyoto's Demachiyanagi Station and get off at the last station of the route. From the station take the free shuttle bus, which will take you to the hot spring.  Kurama Onsen hot spring in the mountains north of kyoto, this is the picture of Onsen hot spring
above is the map how to reach KURUMA ONSEN ------------------- and left side is Kuruma Station

NOTE: if you have any comments, please send your comments to my email address :